Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hawaii Trip

We had a great time in Hawaii. We first flew into Maui where we stayed only a short few hours hanging out in airport waiting to catch our flight into Hanalulu, Oahu. Once we arrived on Oahu it was raining. It only rained on us that first evening and the rest of the time the weather was great. The Trade Winds were blowing the entire time which kept the temperatures very nice, and the humidity relatively low. When we got to the house we stayed the first night we turned on the local news and there were reports that ten people had gotten bit by jelly fish that day from swimming in the waters of Hanauma Bay and that it was going to be closed indefinitely. We were a little nervous about that report because that high on our list of things to do. But when we finally made it over there on Friday everything seemed to be okay. We did not get bit by any jelly fish but Todd did get bit by what we think was an eel. He never did see what bit him and the life guards told him it could have been up to a dozen different things. It made four bit marks on his finger with lacerations to go with it. It sure did bleed a lot and even left a nice blood trail from the water to the life guard station for Brittany to follow.
We visited Stacy and the boys, minus Jarod, on Tuesday evening. She sure has her hands full, and has a cute family. We wish we could have spent more time with them, but with all that we had planned to do we couldn't find the time to do so.


Stacy said...

Thanks for visiting and helping out with the twins. I am so excited that you got to see them, you and Cathy are the only family members to see them. We are excited to go to Utah and visit and baptise Davis and bless the twins. Can't wait to see ya again keep blogging it is fun to keep in touch with ya

Ben & Kirsten said...

Oh man Hawaii is SO beautiful! I hope Ben and I can go soon so I can see where he used to live and whatnot. You just can't beat the beaches and beauty of Hawaii!!! :)